Tag: Reading

Reading l Moon Phase Art

LI: To revise skills needed to read for meaning and understanding.

This week for Reading, we had to create a moon phases art.

First, we had to Read a website to inform yourself of the moon phases

Second, We had to make a copy of a template and create a Moon Phases Art Piece.

Third, Draw and label each moon phase .

Lastly, Explain how much phase makes you feel.

Palm Oil

This week for Miss White’s reading group we learned how to look at two sides of an issue and form an opinion, to look at an issue and debate your opinion and palm oil.

What is palm oil? Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil derived from the mesocarp (reddish pulp) of the fruit of the oil palm. The oil is used in food manufacturing.

First, we had to discuss in a group what palm oil is. Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil derived from the mesocarp (reddish pulp) of the fruit of the oil palm. The oil is used in food manufacturing. For example: skittles are made out of palm oil.

Next, Miss White explained to us what we are supposed to do. We had to make a copy of the argumentation board and work through it.

Afterwards, we had to create a DLO explaining your opinion on “Should we continue to buy products with Palm Oil?”. Add some facts and pictures.

Lastly, we had to recount what you have learned on my blog.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at explaining what palm oil is. I need to improve on adding more details and facts into my DLO and google slide.


Amorangi & Sila ANZAC Vocab

Today we are learning about ANZAC words from a long long time ago.

First , me and Sila were curious about what ANZAC means Miss Tele’a and Miss White said that we can search on google and we find out that ANZAC means Australia New Zealand Army Corps.

Next , we were figuring out hard words that we even don’t know so we look on google and search it up.

Lastly we finished and started blogging it and put it on our must dos.

I enjoyed working with amorangi and ahea.

I need to work need to work on understanding words that i need to know.


Junk food

|n reading we have been learning to think about two sides of an issue. We had to think about if junk food should be banned or junk food should not be banned form school.I think it should not be banned because I like cookie and seaweed and then have sugar in cookie and seaweed.

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